Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pet Poems

Pet Poems
By jim bourey

Deprived of dogs.
Cheated out of cats.
My parents didn't believe in pets.
Not even fish.  And now I live
in a long term loving menagerie.

Little girls love ponies and my
sister loved hers. Her pet pony
was imaginary, easy to groom
and feed but not so easy to torment.
So, instead, I tormented my sister.

Ginger was my first pet, a retriever
named for an old girlfriend, a fine
dog, wise and patient. When I’d pet
her I’d feel calm, relieved, no longer
worried. I truly need Ginger today.

When my pit bull
killed my neighbor's cockatoo
I was sued. But the damn bird
provoked Butch. He doesn't like
bad imitations of his high pitched bark

We kept Smoky in the freezer
until springtime and softer ground.
Then, with proper ceremony, we placed
her, in her Nike box, into a deep grave.
We have coyotes in our neighborhood.